Tag Archives: Joy

Following the Leader….

How do I remain mentally healthy and not succumb to the divisiveness that surrounds us today? The political and media driven pressure to live a life draped in fear pulls heavily on us all. It’s growing increasingly difficult to discern who or what to believe.

My spirit was pricked this morning after reading a bit of the ongoing fear and dissension campaign we’re facing today. I was filled with a rush of questions that form the foundation to my personal mental health. Whom or in what do I place my trust? What is my source of truth? Whom or what is my source of security? Whom or what do I serve?

Our human tendency is to serve and trust those whom we believe are serving us. I believe it is imperative that we consistently ask ourselves questions that criticality break down who we trust and serve. So I searched out a way to question and valuate this inquiry. Strangely enough I happened upon a list of top 5 corporate business strategies applicable in choosing whom to trust and serve.

  • Reputation(who do they serve) :

18th century US visionary Benjamin Franklin famously said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”

When narrowing down the decision as to whom to trust and serve, going by reputation is one of the easiest ways to achieve this.

A reputable person or a groups track record gives you confidence. It’s possible to verify this by not only online review but also by talking to the person or groups associates and any current or former people they’ve served.

  • Expertise and Capacity(are they qualified) :

Any group or person should add value to your life, which means they should have the profound and specialized skill sets and capabilities that you don’t personally have.

  • Account Management(Trust) :

A reliable and transparent source of communication between you and whom you trust and follow. Are they approachable and easily accessible. Do they listen and respond in a manner thats best for you personally.

  • Safety(Honesty) :

This means the skill sets of those responsible must have your best interest in mind first and foremost. They must also have personal experience to provided satisfactory answers to personal questions. There must never be contradiction in the truth they provide.

  • Cost(what have they given) :

Cost is one of the single most important considerations of any personal choice.

If you’ve read this far I’d like to make a personal assessment, your a person that values critical thinking. Therefore, being one who is truly looking for truth in life and seeking justification as to whom you should serve. I personally have trusted many people and systems that this world offers and have blindly served the unjustified.

I have come to rest everything on one unchanging and historically tested source of truth. It is often tested, I have occasions of highs and lows, but I will continuously seek to serve and place a greater trust in Jesus Christ.

His Reputation is Unblemished

He is Inexplicably Able to do more than I’ve ever needed

His deeds solidify His Steadfastness

He gave His life that I might live

Jesus Christ paid the price there is no longer any cost

As for me and my house I will serve the Lord

For further analytical study read, Joshua 24:15.