Tag Archives: Mental Health

Cutting the Darkness

It’s happening, even if we can’t always physically see it, even if you don’t consciously believe it, it’s still happening. As much as the darkness of our world seems to be permeating everything around us there is another reality. A Truth is rising up and taking territory back in the Name of its rightful owner.

Recently I attended a gathering of men for the purpose of camaraderie and encouragement, the event was called “Forged”. Obviously, as should be, with all male events there was food, grilled bratwurst’s, food of the gods. Soon we were called inside to participate in worship, singing praise in appreciation of what God has done in our lives. During that time a word came into my mind “I’ve gathered you here to sharpen your swords for there is a battle being waged around you”. What was that about? I mean there were men around me that I’m not sure I’d take into battle, let alone taking myself into consideration as battle ready. But then it dawned on me, there’s strength in numbers and that we definitely had. What was God up to, what did it mean, I only know three of these 100+ men. Then an encouraging message was giving by an evangelist from Dayton, OH (yep, just turned 55 and can’t for the life of me remember his name). After which a call was given to come forward and receive prayer for healing, deliverance, refilling, or anything else our hearts were leading us to.

That’s when it happened, that previous word in my mind came to life right before me. I witnessed healings, deliverance, and refilled spirits as man after man was prayed over and received Gods personal touch. Witnessing at a distance the full vision came to me as each man then turned and began praying for the next in line, the circle of praying men swelled in number as 2 hours passed. Nearing the end a younger man whom hadn’t left from his seat was approached by the speaker and the surrounding of men alongside. A simple hand was placed on his shoulder along with a spoken word to his ear. As if conducted by an invisible director an army of hands stretched instinctively forward praying in unison over the young man.

There it was! An army of men reaching forth their swords doing spiritual battle in the name of Jesus! The young man rose after what may have been half an hour and clear spiritual Victory could not be mistaken. In a moment all hands reached upwards, like a rattling of sabres, and a great resonance of voices cheered the heavens. They came to be forged, refined and sharpened, without the knowledge of the battle they’d be called to wage that evening. Without hesitation they formed an alliance in the name of Christ to cut back the darkness.

Interesting label, Forged, it’s something we really ought to take heed to. I believe God is calling us all to allow Him to place us upon His forge on a daily basis. When you really look at the process it’s imperative for a successful relationship with Christ. Moreover it’s abundantly clear it’s exactly what we need to live victoriously in a darkening world.

Advantages of Forging

Forging is a process in which metal is heated until it is pliable and then formed into various shapes for specific purposes. One of the primary advantages of forging is that it can produce stronger parts with more excellent impact resistance. The process is worked from the inside out; this helps refine defects and improve product quality. What better way to improve our lives than to allow the God of creation to Forge us into what we were created to be.

Increased Strength

Forging can increase the strength of a metal object by aligning the grain of the metal in the same direction. This process is known as grain flow, making the metal stronger and less likely to break under stress.

Improved Durability

Forging can also improve the durability of an object by making it more resistant to wear and tear. This is because forging creates a denser metal less likely to be damaged by repeated use. It’s often said, “life is so daily”, and daily events can leave us dull and sometimes broken. Gods desired life for us is abundant, never leaving us dull, always intact, never broken. Spiritual strength in Christ gives us resiliency to the wear and tear of this worlds daily grind.

Enhanced Aesthetics

Forging can also enhance the aesthetics of an object by creating a smoother surface finish. This is because forging eliminates any imperfections, resulting in a more polished and purposed piece. That’s the physical and mental work of daily refining who I am, placing myself under the influence of the Forger, Jesus Christ.

Greater Precision

This is because the forge has more control over the shape of the metal during the forging process. When we allow He who created us to mold and shape us, it allows our life’s purpose pinpoint precision accomplishing His will in our daily lives.

I encourage everyone to allow the Forger, the God who created you, to daily refine, strengthen, empower, and hone you into a mighty weapon to be used according to His purpose. It’s happening, I’ve seen it with my own eyes, the evidence cannot be consciously denied. The darkness of this world is being cut back by those forged in His likeness. As they use the Word of God as a spiritual sword to cut through physical infirmities, break the chains of addictive bondage, and slash the grip of evils deception. It’s happening, the darkness of this world is being cut back allowing the Light of Christ’s freedom to shine over the people of this world!

Surely not I, we all share the same “bottom”

As I read through the account leading up to the crucifixion of Christ, I’ve often asked myself how could Judas, one of Christs disciples, betray Him? I’ve always thought that he was just the “unlucky one” because someone had to be “the guy” in order for the plan of salvation to advance. But in reality, thinking through the failures in my own life, couldn’t it have been anyone of them?

After reading through Matthew 26 I reinforced my assumption with a commentary by Alexander McCaren. I’m continually challenged to keep my heart close to the heart of Christ, for every man has the same “bottom” from which Judas drew.

“Remember, to begin with, that all sins are at bottom but varying forms of one root. All sin is one at bottom, and this is the definition of it—living to myself instead of living to God. The essence of every evil is selfishness, sin is but yielding to tendencies common to us all.

So the lesson is, ‘Be not high-minded, but fear.’ Do not say, ‘I know when to stop.’ Do not say, ‘I can go so far; it will not do me any harm.’ Many a man has said that, and many a man has been ruined by it. Do not say, ‘It is natural to me to have these inclinations and tastes, and there can be no harm in yielding to them.’ It is perfectly natural for a man to stoop down over the edge of a precipice to gather the flowers that are growing in some cranny in the cliff; and it is as natural for him to topple over, and be smashed at the bottom. God gave you your dispositions and your whole nature ‘under lock and key,’—keep them so. And when you hear of, or see, great criminals and great crimes, say to yourself, as the good old Puritan divine said, looking at a man going to the scaffold, ‘But for the grace of God there go I!’ And in the contemplation of sins and apostasies, let us each look humbly at our own weakness, and pray Him to keep us from our brother’s evils which may easily become ours.

For then, as ever, the heart which is not melted by Christ’s offered love is hardened by it”. So be encouraged to keep our minds on the thoughts of Christ having our hearts in-line with His. Dwell upon the gracious gift of Gods redemptive love through Christs burial and resurrection. Keeping our hearts from the “bottom” and living in the hope and freedom of Christ Jesus.

Do you see what I see?

When you rise each day and look in the mirror do you see the person that God sees? Can you embrace the potential that He sees in your life? The struggle is real, but the answer is right there in front of us each new day.

Understanding Gods Mercy & Grace allows peace in our lives

Living with Gods peace brings strength for life’s circumstances

Having Gods strength gives us the ability to rest in Gods Grace & Mercy

For those that continue to struggle with a negative self image, depression, a consistent sense of being overwhelmed, or bouts of anxiety.

Breath in the fact that God knew you were never going to be perfect or have it all together in this lifetime. That is the precise reason He sent His son, Jesus Christ to fill that human void. Christ’s blood sacrifice is the once and forever covering for our imperfections. His perfection was laid out for us to pick up and cover ourselves in. All of our failures, our troubled past, our beaten down esteem, our worries, our inability to see and value ourselves as God does.

We all have a choice to make as we wake and see the dawn of a new day. Will we continue to limit ourselves and our life’s potential or will we embrace Gods unconditional Grace & Mercy.

My prayer is that we all wake every day washing ourselves anew in Gods Grace and Mercy. Soaking in the Peace that’s beyond all understanding. Refreshing ourselves in Gods Strength for each day and it’s circumstances. And at the end of the day rest assured that you are treasured in the eyes of God. Christ has stamped you as priceless, therefore covering you in His unconditional love and perfection for all to realize and receive.

Following the Leader….

How do I remain mentally healthy and not succumb to the divisiveness that surrounds us today? The political and media driven pressure to live a life draped in fear pulls heavily on us all. It’s growing increasingly difficult to discern who or what to believe.

My spirit was pricked this morning after reading a bit of the ongoing fear and dissension campaign we’re facing today. I was filled with a rush of questions that form the foundation to my personal mental health. Whom or in what do I place my trust? What is my source of truth? Whom or what is my source of security? Whom or what do I serve?

Our human tendency is to serve and trust those whom we believe are serving us. I believe it is imperative that we consistently ask ourselves questions that criticality break down who we trust and serve. So I searched out a way to question and valuate this inquiry. Strangely enough I happened upon a list of top 5 corporate business strategies applicable in choosing whom to trust and serve.

  • Reputation(who do they serve) :

18th century US visionary Benjamin Franklin famously said, “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it.”

When narrowing down the decision as to whom to trust and serve, going by reputation is one of the easiest ways to achieve this.

A reputable person or a groups track record gives you confidence. It’s possible to verify this by not only online review but also by talking to the person or groups associates and any current or former people they’ve served.

  • Expertise and Capacity(are they qualified) :

Any group or person should add value to your life, which means they should have the profound and specialized skill sets and capabilities that you don’t personally have.

  • Account Management(Trust) :

A reliable and transparent source of communication between you and whom you trust and follow. Are they approachable and easily accessible. Do they listen and respond in a manner thats best for you personally.

  • Safety(Honesty) :

This means the skill sets of those responsible must have your best interest in mind first and foremost. They must also have personal experience to provided satisfactory answers to personal questions. There must never be contradiction in the truth they provide.

  • Cost(what have they given) :

Cost is one of the single most important considerations of any personal choice.

If you’ve read this far I’d like to make a personal assessment, your a person that values critical thinking. Therefore, being one who is truly looking for truth in life and seeking justification as to whom you should serve. I personally have trusted many people and systems that this world offers and have blindly served the unjustified.

I have come to rest everything on one unchanging and historically tested source of truth. It is often tested, I have occasions of highs and lows, but I will continuously seek to serve and place a greater trust in Jesus Christ.

His Reputation is Unblemished

He is Inexplicably Able to do more than I’ve ever needed

His deeds solidify His Steadfastness

He gave His life that I might live

Jesus Christ paid the price there is no longer any cost

As for me and my house I will serve the Lord

For further analytical study read, Joshua 24:15.